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New Post Editor
Updated over 2 years ago

Lets go over our new content editor!

Content Editor is a toolbar in which you can customize your post with a large number of enhanced features.

It allows you to add texts, images, videos, links, labels, CTA buttons, and many more features to your new post.

With the content editor, you can create professional and customized posts.

In this guide, we will introduce you to the basic functions of these features.

1) Paragraph Options

This feature enables you to correct the style of your title according to the APA format style.

If you’re confused about what words to capitalize in a title, you can use our Title Beautifier.

All you need to do is write down your title and click the magic wand. It will apply the APA format style to your title and make it great again.

Basic paragraph options




under 4) More Text (A⋮)
Clear Formatting

Paragraph formatting options

1)Paragraph Format

2)Align Left

3) Align Center
under 4) More Paragraph (⋮)

Align Right

Ordered List

Detailed Ordered List

Unordered List


Other Customization Options

1) Insert Link

2) CTA Button

3) Insert Image

4) Insert Video

5) Add Label

under 6) More Misc ⋮



Code View

2) AI Assistant

Here, you can announce product updates in seconds without worrying about writing or formatting them yourself give some keywords, and our AI-powered assistant will take care of the rest!

3) Templates

You can use ready-to-use release notes templates, edit existing templates, or even create a new template!

4) Restore Session

Restore Session button allows you to continue using a draft or a session of creating a post you might accidentally close.

This can come in handy during a power or battery outage.

5) Empty

The empty button creates an empty template for you to edit.

You can even click on AI Assistant, or use a new template to work on.

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