Email Digest

Email Digest bundles announcements of your product into a single email.

Updated over a week ago

Email notifications digest is a single email that summarizes all of your posts that were published in a specified time period and sends them to your email subscribers at each selected interval.

Email Digest enables your subscribers to

  1. See the monthly progress of your product easily.

  2. Find the emails that they find interesting but may have missed.

  3. Get informed about even the littlest improvement or bug fix that cannot be notified in a sole email.

  4. Minimize the time they are spending on reading emails and be interrupted less often while they are working.

How to set up Email Digest

You can enable Email Digest by going to Settings, then clicking on Email Settings.

In here, you have the option to:

  • Change the Frequency to Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly

  • Change the day that the digest will be sent

  • Include or Exclude Posts with Labels in your digest. For example, you can only include posts that are labeled "important_announcements"

  • Adjust the post content, which changes if you'll have a Summary or Full Content of your posts that are included in the digest

  • And you have the option to Include or Exclude Segmented posts

You'll receive a final draft at least 12 hours before the email is sent, so you can make final changes or cancel it.

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