13 articles
Can I make my feed private?
How can people subscribe to the updates of my feed?
How does a private Feed URL work?
Does User Tracking and Segmentation work for the feed?
How can I remove the AnnounceKit logo from my feed?
How many projects / feeds I can create at the same time?
How to fix the "Failed" Error while creating a Custom Hostname
What should I do when I get an SSL error while setting up Custom Hostname?
Can I have Segmentation and User Tracking with Custom Hosted public feed?
Is there any limit to the number of labels I can add?
Can I send my own translations and use AnnounceKit in non-supported languages?
Does the language I add apply to widgets together with the feed?
If I would like to force a redirection to the Login page where the JWT token will be generated and redirected to the feed page, what should I do first?